Who we are

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SIRO Consulting srl is a dynamic company founded in 2006 by Simona Petrozzi

We specialized in Corporate Communication, particularly Personal and Corporate Web Reputation, Litigation PR and Privacy.

Today everyone is involved with communication and good communication cannot ignore attention to Web Reputation. We therefore offer analysis and consultancy on online reputation of brands, individuals, politicians and public figures with the support of a constantly updated law firm specialized and constantly updated in information law and the Internet, attentive to International and EU law profiles on these topics.

SIRO Consulting has a network of partners specialized in various areas and skills, selected during the years and always aiming to excellence and maximum professionalism. Nowadays everybody goes to "google" the name of a person or company he has met. Increasingly, therefore, reference is made to:



It is not uncommon for professionals, entrepreneurs, politicians or show business people to find themselves online with a digital identity compromised by disparaging content that is greatly damaging to their reputation and private life, because it is defamatory, outdated and false



Proven Data show how online reputation of people, companies and institutions profoundly affects the behaviour of modern digital consumers, so-called. "Multichannel Consumers".

These new social groups are characterized by being very active and informed, searching online for product information and prices before making a purchase.

A solid and positive Brand Reputation is built with attention to compliance, ethics and social responsibility, and is always an indication of quality and brand authority, contributing to the success of a product/service and increased sales.



The achievement of the result, always in full compliance with rules and ethics without the use of deplorable or dangerous tools or practices, the utmost attention to the customer by ensuring a tailored work, discretion and absolute confidentiality in all the activities.

No intervention is standardized, but always personalized and coordinated with our customer in transparency and honesty.

The evolution of the Internet into web 2.0 - which transformed the user from a passive user of content to an editor - the widespread diffusion of social media, the massive placing of newspaper archives on the Web - with the resurfacing of articles dating back to the network over time - made clear the need for a highly specialized, legal and technical-IT multidisciplinary approach to the new challenges that arose in protecting the image and reputation on the Internet and data protection.

In a short time, SIRO Consulting’s experts have satisfied a high number of cases, acquiring and refining a specific and effective professionalism and a “know-how” in all aspects of the protection of digital identity and data protection. Our experts have gained an expertise that allows them to successfully deal with all aspects of reputation management, digital building image and online reputation protection. To date, SIRO Consulting is a leading company in the protection of online reputation.

Il team

Simona Petrozzi

Simona Petrozzi

Ceo & Founder

Web Reputation e Brand Identity Manager

Daniele Muscarella

Daniele Muscarella

Forensics IT - Senior Consultant

Ingegnere informatico e Consulente Tecnico presso varie Procure e Tribunali Civili e Penali in ambito ICT

Roberta Policari

Roberta Policari

Operation Specialist

Responsabile amministrazione, flusso e processi operativi

Collaborano con noi

Damiano Francesco Pujia

Legal & Privacy Consultant

Avvocato con competenze in Diritto penale, privacy e diritti fondamentali in internet

Dario Piccioni

Legal Department Consultant

Avvocato penalista specializzato in digitale e privacy

Andrea Caristi

Legal Department Consultant

Avvocato Penalista

Tiziana Tomei

Consulente Aziendale Innovativa

Crowdfunding and fundraising Specialist

Lianka Camerlengo

Educazione Digitale e Formazione

Area ricerca, innovazione e formazione nei processi di digitalizzazione e media education

Paolo Castiglia

Press Office

Giornalista professionista e Addetto Stampa di Istituzioni, Imprese e personaggi pubblici

Raffaele Focaroli

Educazione Digitale e Formazione

Area Media Education per l’uso consapevole del web e processi educativi


Consulenza, internazionalizzazione, comunicazione e web reputation per la tua impresa!

Siro Consulting

Consulenza, internazionalizzazione, comunicazione e web reputation per la tua impresa!

La nostra non è un’attività di pulizia del web ma di ripristino della correttezza dell’informazione